Allied Markets is looking for progressive livestock agents to join their team across the Eastern States of Australia. Whilst Allied Markets already has established operations across a variety of networks it is our desire to partner with new agents to expand the Allied Beef brand across new regions. This presents new or experienced agents with a great opportunity to partner and grow with Allied Markets and directly benefit from our unique business structures and experience.
The ideal partners will be extremely knowledgeable in cattle markets and have a strong desire to target regions within Eastern States of Australia. Partners preferably will have strong communication skills, established networks and a customer focus which aligns with the Allied Markets principles. Partners will directly benefit from the proven Allied Markets network and platform to assist, inform and service customers and clients alike.
Allied Markets is part of the Allied Beef Group which has marketed more than 1 million cattle since 2007 and is committed to providing leading edge platforms and assistance. Our flexible structure provides agents with both strong market intel and market access which permit agents to deliver on their individual needs. Further, in late 2022, the company was awarded the “AuctionsPlus agent cattle throughput of the year”.
For a confidential discussion on how being a partner with Allied Markets and running your own operation can benefit you and your clients contact us today.